Thursday, December 18, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
It was harmful because what if he kids thought that the principal put that they would have gotten really mad. You can never be on a schools computer unless you are doing a project or your in tech class. He shouldn't even be putting that if it's everybody's school. So even though your in tech class on the internet and you found the ay to the schools system you should never put anything disrespectful.
Monday, December 8, 2008
MY DO NOW!!!!!!!!!!!
I would say the reason teen hackers hack computers is because they have nothing else to do but that. Some consequences are you can get 205 hours of free community services,you would have to pay $5,000, and you would be on probation for 2 years and not using any network.I would say that hacking will never be ethical because its a very wrong thing to do. I mean like you wouldn't want someone to get on to your computer and read all your messages and private stuff you had. I wouldn't like it if someone did that to me so I will never be a hacker ever in my life.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
I think of what the 2 paragraphs really made me think of what will happen to me if I keep going into myspace and adding stuff to it. I would say that I wouldn't go to court for anything because I have anything that says anything bad about anyone or me.I imagine right now somebody getting into my myspace login I wouldn't even know it. I have noticed that my friend leo that his myspace was erased by someone else he did nothing to it. Since then I've been thinking about my myspace will they still my identity. Will they do something to me all those questions go to my head since I've read those 2 paragraphs.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
DO NOW 11-18-08
Data is entered a computer by a input devices or a keyboard. Data is processed t0 obtain the results is a CPU. Results always come out through a printer and that is called a out put device. The three basic tasks are input devices, output devices, and the CPU.
Monday, November 17, 2008
DO NOW:1-17-08
I got my INPUT DEVICE and plugged it into my computer. The MOTHERBOARD has something wrong because my computer isn't working how its supposed to. The CPU had something wrong every single thing is going haywire. I took the computer to the store to get it fixed and they said " What was going wrong was the OUTPUT DEVICE".
Friday, November 14, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
MY DO NOW 11-13-08
The frayer model helps you by studying your vocabulary.On the frayer model it has the definition so you can understand it. It also has a pisture and synonym, and antonym. The frayer model helps me understand it better than just looking up for the definition. You can see the picture and try to understand it.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
The frayer model helps us study for my test with vocabulary. When your playing rag to riches you always get a word wrong and you put the word on the frayer model. Like if you don't the word "Character" it means like your being kind to one another. It has you to put the word, the definition, a picture , a synonym , and antonym.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

2. WE need to show the costs on the project because its important to know the cost for the whole three days.
3. I think I did produce a product for my classmates.
4. I put everything you need to know.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Investigate:For investigate I would give myself a {1-2} because I wasn't really specific. I didn't put a lot of phone numbers and how much it costs.
Design: For design I would give myself a {1-2}. Because I didn't do a lot of designs for my power point.
Plan: For plan I would give myself a {1-2} because I didn't put so many steps. I also didn't contain that much resources.
Create: For create I would give myself a {3-4} because I think I did good on creating a power point.
Evaluate: For evaluate I would give myself a {1-2} because I think I didn't evaluate good enough.
Attitude in Technology: For attitude in technology I would give myself a {3-4} I think I deserve it because I have a good attitude.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
You should never steal something you don't really need. Like in the video the boys friend said "Hey dude you think you can steal some tennis balls for me". Then he said "It's not like if they'll notice they still have a lot". Also in the video the man was making copy's for his class and the manager said "That wasn't part of their policy".
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
In the video it talked about rights and wrongs. Like in the video the two boys were fighting because one of the boys didn't hit the ball right and they started to fight. It also talked about when you have to be nice to other people because if your not nice to them they're not going to be nice to you. So lets say your being men to a new kid thats the way he/she will be treating you.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Sometimes you have to ask people whats right and whats wrong. Like in the video the lady didn't ask if she can take a long lunch break that was unethical. The lady with pink shirt did the right thing by going back to work. She also said "I'm not getting payed to talk to you guys" then she went back to work.
Monday, October 27, 2008
They talked about being a ethical person and being fair. They said that if you are not a ethical person you can't be sucessful person in life. Like if you and your partner work on something and only you take credit thats not being fair because your partner should also get the same amount of credit than you. You always have to stand up and say the truth and be a honest person if you lie nobody is going to trust you ever again.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Doing the right thing
The right thing to always do is ask your self why I'm doing this. Its always good to ask your supervisor if its OK to do what your gonna do. Like in the video the man was supposed to ask first if it was OK to copy a book for personal needs. Just always ask and never steal anything that is not yours or you'll get fired or get in trouble.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Professional attitude is when like you come into work with a good attitude. So like if you have a bad attitude you will never get to an upper level at your work.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I think this video was about team work and not letting nobody in your work down.It also talked about if your even with your best friend you have to choose right from wrong. So like if your at work and you stop doing your work and focus and something else you might get fired. So like never say like "Oh i don't like you so I'm not going to work with you" never say that because thats not teamwork.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Right or wrong
Its wrong what she did because she can't put personal stuff on her messages because she will get in trouble. Then if everybody reads it she well get teased on.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Ethical or Unethical
I think not it is not ethical because of what he does in school and is written in school its not private. Because if he wrote something bad on the computer everybody can read it and see what he wrote. It can effect his grade, and his privileges on using the computer. If you don't know what ethical and unethical means: ethical: it is right unethical: it is not right to do.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
How will I manage my time with the project
I will make sure I at least I will find 4 things a day so I can finish my Process Journal. If I can't finish it at home I will go to the tech lab so I can get more information on my project . I will get on to my computer and go to google.com and find the information I need and put in the Process Journal. Also if I have to I will go to my Aunts house and do what I have to do.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
October 15, 08
I think this quote means that whenever you post something and comments it bad that means flame. I also think it means like whenever you post something good they will get jealous and put something bad on it and they will feel better .
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
October 14,08 after do now!
I think I did a good job with my process journal but I did struggle through somethings like I really didn't understand how to do it at first. I would give myself the same grade as Mrs.Hinojosa gave me. I would give myself a 80 percent. I think I did well managing my time because I would get home do my homework and I would spend the whole night finding stuff for it. I would have payed more attention in class and listen carefully. I would put more effort in to my work next time and I will try to do better.
October 14,08
Jules should have logged off because then a student can get on to hers. A student got on and didn't get into her own and she just started messaging people bad things. Then Jules is going to get in trouble and not Trish and she might not even get anything done to her. Jules should always recheck to see if she has logged out.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
The Design Cycle
Investigate: You identify the problem, develop the design brief, and formulate a design.
Plan: You design a product/solution, and plan a product/solution.
Create: You use appropriate teqniques and equipment, follow the plan, create the product/solution.
Evaluate: You evaluate the product/solution, and evaluate their use of the design cycle.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
I know one person that carries their self with a lot of dignity that my daddy. My dad always have confidence in him because when he struggles with something he always has confidence that he's going to make it. Like in the hurricane my dad always told us that nothing was going to happen.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
My favorite place
My favorite place to go to is Houston because there is a huge mall and thats my hometown I was born at the Bayshore medical center.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Yes I do agree. I agree because one day I had twisted my ankle and we were running and it was for a grade and it really hurt but I kept going. At the end I had 7 sticks which means 7 laps around the backstop, around the pavilion, and around the tree.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Some one who is good company to me is people who like for who I am. If I could have dinner with 5 people it would be Keila, Julie, Jennifer, Alexandra, and Audrey. I would pick Keila, Julie, and Jennifer because they are hilarious. I picked Alexandra and Audrey because they my bests friends and they make me laugh a lot.
Friday, September 26, 2008
My brother gives me a lot of stress when he shouts at me annoys me and kicks me. Also when my sister annoys me the most.I don't really know what a power test is but I think its when you do the power test again and again.I do follow Lincoln's statement because you do need more power to stand adversity.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Yes I have laughed to today because my brother fell of the bed and he started to laugh.There was pillows in the bottom of the bed.We always put them there because he always falls down the bed. There is one type of "HUMOR" that i don't like and that is when people tell other people that their fat because they start to laugh and and it hurts other peoples feelings.I hate that "HUMAR" because that has happened to my sister and me a lot of times and it mostly comes from my grandma she is so mean.
Friday, September 12, 2008
QUIZ QUESTIONS: 10 points each question
1. Explain the steps of the design cycle. The first step is Investigate,2nd step Plan,3rd step Create, and the last step is Evaluate.
2. Explain what your Gmail account should be:It should be your first initial and your last name and the date you are going to graduate then you put at the end @Gmail.com.
3. What should your password be?Your password should be your D.O.B and your initials at the end.
4. Do you have a Techconnect log in? If so what is it for?Yes I have a techconnect and it is used for keyboarding.
5. What is the URL for your blog?balanis2015@blogspot.com
Thursday, September 11, 2008
When i see that video i get so sad of the people who died in the crash and the people below the crash.I start to cry there was a lot of smoke and a lot of people died from the smoke and that wasn't fair to them. What I remember my mom and dad say is that the plane crashed in to the twin tower and a lot of people died. I really didn't understand back then but now I understand a lot more.Oh and that it happened during September 11,2001.
Monday, September 8, 2008
How Can I Become A IB Learner?
In this paragraph i am going to use Knowledgable,Thinker,Risk-takers,and Communicators.I will become a better thinker by paying more attention during class.I will get ride of my fear and become a risk taker.I will become more knowledgable by doing my work more,and pay attention.I will become a better communicator by listening more, and i will also express more ideas.So thats all i will do to become a better IB Learner.
Idea mission is different because they give more homework.They give us more dicipline.We can also call a teacher if you have problems with your homework.I think MYP is different by the computers,also in the other schools they don't let you get on the internet unless given a project. Here they let you get on the internet and you can post your assigments.So thats what I think MYP is different and how is idea mission different.
Friday, September 5, 2008
September 5 ,2008
What I've learned this week is the design cycle its about how to work on the computer,and projects.The teacher also should us how to make a gmail it was so cool.We also learned how to make a blog at first i had trouble but then i got it.I also learned line graphs in math and broken line graphs but their kinda the same.I also learned how to clean a penny with a little bit of vinegar and salt.My pennys dirt came all off it was like if it never had dirt.So thats all I've learned this week.
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