Friday, October 17, 2008


Ethical or Unethical

I think not it is not ethical because of what he does in school and is written in school its not private. Because if he wrote something bad on the computer everybody can read it and see what he wrote. It can effect his grade, and his privileges on using  the computer. If you don't know what ethical and unethical means: ethical: it is right unethical: it is not right to do.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

How will I manage my time with the project

I will make sure I at least I will find 4 things a day so I can finish my Process Journal. If I can't finish it at home I will go to the tech lab so I can get more information on my project . I will get on to my computer and go to and find the information I need and put in the Process Journal. Also if I have to I will go to my Aunts house and do what I have to do.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

October 15, 08

I think this quote means that whenever you post something and comments it bad that means flame. I also think it means like whenever you post something good they will get jealous and put something bad on it and they will feel better .

Tuesday, October 14, 2008



October 14,08 after do now!

I think I did a good job with my process journal but I did struggle through somethings like I really didn't understand how to do it at first. I would give myself the same grade as Mrs.Hinojosa gave me. I would give myself a 80 percent. I think I did well managing my time because I would get home do my homework and I would spend the whole night finding stuff for it. I would have payed more attention in class and listen carefully. I would put more effort in to my work next time and I will try to do better.

October 14,08

Jules should have logged off because then a student can get on to hers. A student got on and didn't get into her own and she just started messaging people bad things. Then Jules is going to get in trouble and not Trish and she might not even get anything done to her. Jules should always recheck to see if she has logged out.